William Bould

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I was invited to fish some of the farm ponds of The Great Texas Bass Club by, Todd Orsak. One of the members, Stanley Bould and his six year old son William met us there with their Bass Buster boat. William and his father have been fishing together for about a year. Stanley backed the trailer down and launched the boat, William held the rope to the boat while Stanley parked; their standard routine. Stanley was in the front of the Bass Buster, I was in the back and William was working the middle. I was using a white 3/8 oz. Nichols, double willow leaf spinnerbait, with a Uncle Josh white pork spinnerbait trailer. Stanley was using a Bass Assassin, William had a Zebco 33 on a 5 l/2 foot rod and started with a Bass Assassin with a small weight on the front. William caught the first bass and
started an afternoon of fun fishing. I was very impressed with this young man, he was very polite, and
interested in learning more about fishing. He did his own casting, knew the difference between the feel of grass, wood or moss and a hit from a bass. He would set the hook, reel the bass in and take it off of the lure all by himself. This is a 6 year old pro bass fishermen. His father has done an excellent job of teaching him the basics. I caught several on the spinnerbait and William saw me using the Kick'n Bass fish attractant, asked what it was for and said he would like to use some on his lure. He sprayed some on his lure, casting out and set the hook almost as soon as it hit the water. He was so excited about that fish because he had used my Kick'n Bass and it worked on the first cast. He asked his father to change to a spinnerbait like I had been using, sprayed it with the scent and caught another bass. When he would set the hook, I would ask him if it was a fish or moss, he would say, "No, it’s a bass", I would say, "Are you sure?" He would come back, "Yes ma’am." I would tell him that there was a bass over by that stick up and to cast there, he would, work the bait back and most of the time set the hook on a bass. William watched me casting a buzzbait and the noise it would make coming across the water. He looked at me and said, "I don’t know why anyone would use a bait like that, it makes too much noise and that I was scaring the fish." I explained, that the noise both attracted the basses curiosity and in some cases just made them mad, and they would strike just to shut the noise up. We fished for about five hours and William was still eager for more and was not ready to go home. When you are fishing small ponds, smaller lures work better for numbers of fish and this is what keeps these young people from getting bored. We used spinnerbaits, Bass Assassins, buzzbaits and Venom lizards flipped in brush along the shores. But top waters, Texas rigged worms, small black jigs and small in-line spinners would be a good choice also. Lures that these kiddos can cast and retrieve easily. We caught a lot of bass with about a four pounder as the largest. We really had a good time and I want to thank Todd Orsak for inviting
me. Pond fishing can be done from the shore or from a small boat with a trolling motor. You don’t have to have a big boat to catch fish and have a good time with your kids. Don’t leave the kids home, take them with you and they will carry these memories with them the rest of their lives and then pass these traditions on to their children. You can get more information about farm pond fishing from The Great Texas Bass Club by calling :214-954-1818 or 888-303-4822 William you make your parents very proud. Take a Kid Fishing Bonita Staples.
and have the time of your life. 