Carla Bryan

morning n.GIF (48323 bytes)summer n.JPG (47341 bytes)


Thought I'd submit some Northwest Bass! I know our Bass up here aren't quite as big as yours down there but their just as fun to catch! I caught this 4 lb. largemouth on Potholes Reservoir, Washington during one of our Pro-Tourneys. I finessed the bass out of the Dunes with a Berkley® 4" red shad finesse worm soaked in Kick'n Bass®! It was a cold morning ride but worth every bit of it. Took 1st place in the Bass Encounters Tourney! Weather has warmed up a bit. Caught this summer bass last year on Potholes Reservoir again. Using the same bait soaked in the infamous Kick'n Bass®!

Ya gotta love it!
Thank you, Carla Bryan


